





English is more than a major at Birmingham-南部 College. It’s a path that leads students to their lifelong passion.



感兴趣? 填写右边的表格,招生代表将跟随你开始你的山顶之旅.

Chart your course with 澳门新葡京官网 English!



  • Get h和s-on writing experience. Contribute to Baghera (student newspaper), 《澳门新葡京官网》(文学杂志), or Compass (leadership studies journal). 我们的写作辅修课程和工作坊课程让您专注于不同的专业, 包括小说, 诗歌, 散文, 创造性的非小说, 和新闻, as well as a media internship.
  • Find new ways of looking at the world through the creative courses we offer. “怪物, 君主, 和 Monastics: Legacies of Medieval Literature in Popular Culture,” “The Tranquillized Fifties: American 1950s Literature 和 Culture,和《澳门新葡京官网》就是其中的几个例子.
  • 创意. 英语专业的学生组织了一个地下诗社,举办诗朗诵和表演艺术. 他们还在社区学校做家教,鼓励年轻学生热爱诗歌和文学.
  • 访问 the 的地方 you read about. English faculty lead students to Irel和, where they read 爱尔兰 literature 和 see William Butler Yeats’ house; to Oxford, 小姐., the hometown of William Faulkner 和 the setting of his novels; 和 to Italy, 在那里他们可以探索古典和文艺复兴时期欧洲的伟大艺术和文学.


    英语教师提供的课程有两个目的:教学生用我们的口语和书面语清晰有效地表达和表达他们的想法, 并帮助学生培养对美国作家作品的批判性理解, 英国, 世界文学.

    After our foundational courses, the surveys of 英国 和 American literature 和 our "gateway" course, English majors encounter works of literature in five distinct ways:

    • 宽度. We offer courses that emphasize a breadth of literary study. 课程包括 讽刺  20th Century 英国 和 American Poetry 在不同的文学作品中强调主题、一般或风格的统一.
    • 深度. 其他课程强调学习的深度,通常侧重于个别作者,如 莎士比亚 or 海明威, 但也有课程集中在一个单一的文学运动的作家集合, 如 浪漫散文与诗歌  Literature of the American Renaissance.
    • 区别. 认识到学习文学可以让一个人从不同的角度看世界, we offer courses that emphasize the literature of different times, 的地方, 或文化. These courses range from the 散文, 诗歌, 和 drama of the Middle Ages to American Indian literature since the 1960s.
    • 当代. We study contemporary literature because, like T. S. 艾略特, 我们相信,正如现在的作品是对过去作品的回应一样, our response to older works is altered by 什么 is being written now. 课程包括 当代 International Fiction 很好地服务于这个功能.
    • 理论. Students in English courses soon learn that it matters not only 什么 我们阅读但是 如何 我们读. 我们提供的课程有 性能理论  后现代主义 帮助学生更好地了解自己作为读者的习惯,并扩大他们的批判库. 学生们被介绍给历史上塑造了我们的解释模式的思想家, from Aristotle to Stanley Fish.

    带着我们的毕业证书, 英语专业的学生把他们所学到的都集中在一篇论文中.

    Upon completion of the English major, students will be able to

    • analyze a literary text for form, structure, 和 genre,
    • form a thesis 和 support it with a coherent 和 unified essay structure,
    • formulate a sound argument based on textual 和 contextual evidence,
    • apply 和 integrate scholarly material,
    • produce 散文 with a clear, confident voice.

    奖 & 奖学金

    The English Award for Achievement in Literary Study

    这个奖项是为了表彰那些在文学学习上表现出非凡勤奋的英语专业大四学生, 成就, 和理解的深度. 在荣誉日人文学部颁奖典礼上,一本书被颁发给这个奖项的获得者.

    里奇堡G. 麦克威廉姆斯英语奖

    该奖项以一位1929年至1971年任职于牛津大学英语系的前成员命名, who chaired the department for many of those years, 和 who held the title of Mary Collett Munger 英语教授. Mr. McWilliams was a scholar as well as an effective teacher, 他对法国人在墨西哥湾沿岸探险的文学和历史特别感兴趣. 该奖项旨在表彰这位英语专业的大四学生,他的文学学习表现出了不同寻常的个人投入, 行业, 智力增长. 在荣誉日人文学部颁奖典礼上,一本书被颁发给这个奖项的获得者.

    Patricia Finley 沃特金斯 Writing Scholarship

    帕特里夏·芬利·沃特金斯奖学金于1984年在帕特里夏·芬利·沃特金斯夫人的慷慨捐助下成立. 沃特金斯. 奖学金优先颁发给英语专业即将升学的三年级或四年级学生,并且表现出强烈的成为作家的愿望和天赋. Recipients of this scholarship are recommended by the English faculty. 夫人. 沃特金斯是一位艺术家和作家,长期活跃在伯明翰的文化生活和伯明翰南方学院的文学活动中. 她的诗集, 另一个世界,出版于1982年,她的作品曾出现在其他文学出版物上.

    The English faculty holds a competition for this scholarship every spring. Current recipients may reapply. This year, the deadline for portfolios is Friday 6 April. 作品集必须在当天4点前交到菲利普斯科学101的人文学部秘书手中. Requirements for the portfolio appear below.

    • 所有稿件必须用标准的12号字体打印,双倍行距.
    • The portfolio must consist of no more than 2 stories (maximum 20 pages), 10首诗(最多20页), 和 20 pages of non-fiction 散文.
    • 作品集应按特定顺序排列,并附有一封求职信(单行距),其中(1)讨论申请人作为作家的成长和未来的职业计划,(2)讨论作品集中的个别作品及其安排.
    • 申请人的名字不能出现在任何手稿上,只能出现在求职信上.
    • The portfolio 和 cover letter must be submitted in duplicate, using separate envelopes for each copy.

    获奖名单将于荣誉日人文学部颁奖典礼上公布. Recent awards have been for $1000-2000. Winners also receive a copy of 夫人. 沃特金斯' book 和 a copy of the 芝加哥风格手册.


    Resources for English Studies




    Office: 323 Humanities Center
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    Tynes Cowan specializes in 19th century American literature, particularly literature of slavery 和 protest. 他对领导力研究的杰出项目以及人权和冲突研究的辅修项目做出了贡献. Interests include the 1960s, popular culture, 和 folklore.

    度:B.A. (1985) Birmingham-南部 College; M.A.Ed (1990) University of Alabama at Birmingham; M.A. (1992) Northeastern University; Ph.D. (2001) The College of William 和 Mary.

    Arnab ChakrabortyArnab_photo-1.jpg

    Office: 322 Humanities Center
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    Arnab得了B.A. 和一个M.A. in English from Jadavpur University in Kolkata, India. 他正在攻读博士学位.D. in the 英语系 at the University of Kansas. 他的论文 Impoverished Agency: Ethics 和 Compromise in a 帖子human World 研究了20世纪和21世纪美国和跨大西洋小说中代表人类和非人类动物代理的伦理. 他的研究将动物研究、后人文主义、生态批评和后殖民理论联系在一起.


    Michael L. Mclnturff Michael L. Mclnturff

    Office: 302 Humanities Center
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    Michael L. Mclnturff specializes in literature of the English 和 Italian Renaissance. 他定期教授莎士比亚,并在e学期期间与学生一起去意大利旅行. Interests include Dante, classical mythology, 和 fine wine.

    度:B.A. (1968) Reed College; Ph.D. (1975)印第安纳大学. 

    桑德拉·L. Sprayberry 桑德拉·L. Sprayberry
    Robert Luckie 英语教授

    Office: 306 Humanities Center
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    桑德拉·L. Sprayberry holds degrees in 诗歌 writing 和 twentieth-century 诗歌. She is a published poet 和 scholar, 和 her work on W. B. Yeats was published as part of Macmillan of London's 和 the University of Iowa Press's multi-volume critical edition of original Yeats manuscripts; the work has been reviewed in The New York Review of Books, 在其他出版物中. 她的教学和研究兴趣包括20世纪和当代诗歌, 创意写作, 印第安人, 爱尔兰, 和 African American literatures, 国际人权, 和 travel-study to Irel和 和 South Africa. She coordinates 澳门新葡京官网's minor in Human Rights 和 Conflict Studies. Her office houses one of the biggest unofficial Elvis shrines in academia.

    度:B.A. (1979), M.F.A. (1983), University of Alabama; Ph.D. (1988) Florida State University.

    约瑟夫施迪 约瑟夫施迪
    Associate Lecturer of English

    Office: 111 Humanities Center
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    乔迪·斯蒂特教授说明文写作、研究方法和创意写作课程. His E-term courses have featured Vladimir Nabokov, Jorge Luis Borges, J. R. R. Tolkien, Russian literature, dystopias, humor theory, 和 the apocalypse.

    度:B.A. (1993) M.A. (1995)阿拉巴马大学.

    Assistant Lecturer of English威廉姆斯,安娜.jpg
    Co-Director of the Writing Center

    Office: 314 Humanities Center
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    安娜·威廉姆斯专门研究十八世纪至今的哥特文学. 她制作了第一篇播客论文,并喜欢将新媒体带入课堂. She serves as the Writing Center Co-Director 和 teaches composition.

    教育:B.A. (2008) Birmingham-南部 College; M.A. (2011) University of Alabama; Ph.D. (2019)爱荷华大学.